Chicagoland Christian Center
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CCC Employment Business & Professional Development Council


Employment Resources

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Get A Professional Update! (Fee Apply)


Seek Career Advice?

Meet An Employment Counselor! (Fee Apply)

Business Development Resources


Looking to Start a Business?

Meet A Business Development Counselor! (Fee Apply)

Professional Resources

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The Voice of all things work


Civic Resources

Housing Resources

Alliance Partners

we partner with these organizations to provide resources through common-mission and during local and national disasters, developing relief efforts in the u.s. and abroad. WE ENCOURAGE your continued SUPPORT to:


We appreciate your support of our recommendations and thank you in advance.

We ask that you do not reference or position our ministry to be in association directly with your need, without the express written consent of Chicagoland Christian Center, its subsidiaries or affiliates. Utilizing services in full or part, will not now or in the future, guarantee acceptance or the granting of services. Some services may incur a fee. All services and resources utilized, are awarded upon individual merit and qualification.

All services are provided by an independent company, not affiliated with Chicagoland Christian Center, its subsidiaries, affiliates or partners. Services are engaged at your personal and processional will.

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